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Return to Growth

Simplify strategy, focus the organization and execute with excellence

Lead Your Business Back to Growth and Profitability During These Uncertain Times

I’ll teach you my Return To Growth model to help you identify your best opportunities that leverage your existing capabilities and get laser-focused on what you need to do to put your business in the best position to return to growth and thrive.

Let’s get started!



Return to Growth and Profitability Quickly


Do More With Scarce Resources


Re-engage Employees and Foster Accountability

In This Course, You’ll Learn How To


Reassess and refine strategy, identify best focus few initiatives to get back on growth track.


Realign resources on focus few, get team commitment, create organizational agility.


Execute with excellence by eliminating organizational drag and by measuring what matters to fuel accountability.

Six Comprehensive Training Modules

  • Tweak or pivot strategy based on current and projected conditions 
  • Identify best channels, customers, products
  • Rank highest ROI projects and identify focus few strategic initiatives

Simplify Strategy

  • Reconnect Focus Few Strategic Initiatives to Purpose
  • Business Model Mapping
  • Align Organizational Priorities
  • Establishing Project Review Rhythm

Focus the Team

  • Align resources consistent with the Focus Few
  • Push Pause on initiatives you still believe in but need to pause during this recovery period
  • Kill/Divest/Exit projects you want to kill immediately

Realign Resources

  • Eliminate the biggest sources of drag on the organization
  • Implement a create “capacity discipline”
  • Upgrade critical processes
  • Learn the 5 essential meeting habits

Eliminate Drag

  • Select highest impact metrics
  • Learn about lead measures and how to leverage them
  • Create meaningful dashboards that inspire action and drive performance

Measure What Matters

  • Teams Waterfall Strategic Priorities into 12-Week Action Plans
  • Action Plan Reviews
  • Create the Right Operating Rhythm
  • Learn How to Keep Team Focused

Fuel Accountability

LIFETIME Access to Content


Over 3 Hours of Video Lessons


35 Page Companion Workbook


16 Templates and Guides

Course Preview Video

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Let’s Get Started!

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with great companies while striking a unique balance of strategy and execution projects.  I’m inspired and driven by possibilities, yet firmly grounded in assessing current capabilities and understanding the processes needed to bridge the gap between where we are now and where we want to be.  I’m obsessed with helping my clients get focused and stay focused on the work that will truly transform their businesses.  Let’s work together!

Still Have Questions?  Want to Chat?

Need more answers before you join the course?  I get it!  Your time is your most valuable asset and you want to make sure you spend it wisely.

Just send me a note and I’ll answer any question you’ve got!

5 + 3 =

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