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Fulfilling Strategy Blog

do more of the work that matters most

Most of us spend more time working than we do anything else. That’s why I’m obsessed with finding ways to do more of the work that matters most so that our work is more strategic and filled with purpose. This is my mission for

Why Discomfort IS the Currency of Your Dreams

Why Discomfort IS the Currency of Your Dreams

"Discomfort is the currency of your dreams." Brook Castillo Have truer words been spoken?  Recall any significant achievement you've accomplished. Was it riddled with ups and downs, times when you thought it seemed impossible, and wanted to quit? Always! I know this,...

Need Innovation? Challenge Your Assumptions.

Need Innovation? Challenge Your Assumptions.

Idea In Brief:  Innovation is critical to sustained success, and disruption can come when you least expect it. Challenging your strategic assumptions is a great way to take an outsider's view to identify inventive opportunities and expose potential disruptive...