by Adriana McLane | Dec 23, 2021 | Coaching, Productivity
“Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.” Brook Castillo Have truer words been spoken? Recall any significant achievement you’ve accomplished. Was it riddled with ups and downs, times when you thought it seemed impossible, and wanted to quit?...
by Adriana McLane | Feb 2, 2021 | Productivity, Strategy Execution
I know you’ve got big goals, so I’d like to share the most important thing you can do to achieve them. Unfortunately, most of us are terrible at achieving our big goals. 80% of us give up on our New Year’s goals by the first week in February. We...
by Adriana McLane | Nov 20, 2020 | Creating Capacity/Productivity, Meeting for Impact, Productivity
In this last part of my three-part series on eliminating the drag that’s holding your business back, we’ll tackle one of the biggest drains of time and energy: ineffective meetings. In this post, I’ll share with you an overview of the key concepts in...
by Adriana McLane | Oct 29, 2020 | Creating Capacity/Productivity, Productivity
In part two of my three-part series on how to eliminate the drag on your business that’s holding you back, we’ll talk about core processes. A core process is central to delivering the value proposition to the customer and running the organization. An...
by Adriana McLane | Oct 13, 2020 | Creating Capacity/Productivity, Productivity
If surviving this pandemic crisis has resulted in deep cuts inside your organization, you’re probably all too familiar with the mantra “do more with less.” Your competitive advantage will come from smart management of scarce, very scarce...
by Adriana McLane | May 29, 2020 | Making Strategy Meaningful, Planning Tools, Productivity
The focus of my recent blog posts has been sharing tools and insights from my Return to Growth model to help you lead your company back to growth and create a path to profit during these uncertain times of harsh market conditions and limited resources. I recommend...